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Stinging Insects

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It is wise to learn more about stinging insects because they’re common found in Las Vegas. The term stinging insect is used to describe many pests that belong to the Hymenoptera order, including bees and wasps. You’ll also find that ants fit into this category. Surprisingly, stinging insects are helpful because they help pollinate crops and plants. However, they can be problematic too since they will damage your property. Before doing anything, it is pertinent to make sure that the pests are not dangerous. Some stinging insect species are incredibly dangerous, but others are not. Find out what you’re dealing with before fixing the problem.

In Las Vegas, our clients primarily have to worry about honeybees, yellowjackets, paper wasps, carpenter bees, and bald-faced hornets. Call our office so we can help you find out which pest you’re dealing with.

Learning More About Stinging Insects

You have to learn more about the stinging insect on your property. Once we’ve identified the species, we’ll be ready to fix the problem. We’ll determine the species based on the pest’s appearance and that of its nest.

Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are commonly found in the city of Las Vegas. Although you need to remove them from your property, you can rest assured knowing they’ll less aggressive than other stinging insects. They generally do not attack unless someone gets too close to them. Stay away and keep your hands to yourself to avoid getting stung. Paper wasps build small, round nests. Their nests are gray and easy to identify because they have a honeycomb design. Although these pests can build nests elsewhere, their nests are usually found around fences and overhangs.

Las Vegas is home to several paper wasp species, including European Paper Wasps. The strain is known for having black and yellow stripes. Their antennas are orange. You may encounter Northern Paper Waps too. These pests have a few orange spots on their brown bodies. Their abdomens are covered by white or yellow stripes.


Unfortunately, these stinging insects are incredibly aggressive. Although they’re aggressive throughout the year, they become more aggressive in late summer and early fall. The pest’s colony grows and the pest becomes more aggressive around this time. Therefore, it is wise to avoid their nests in late summer. Yellowjackets can build large nests and live with thousands of other stinging insects. Their nests are primarily built on porches and attics, but a few species build underground nests. Be careful because underground nests are difficult to avoid.

Yellowjackets have heads and abdomens with yellow and black stripes. Their legs are tucked against their body when they fly.

Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are equally aggressive so you’ll want to avoid them too. Also, members of the colony will become more aggressive as the colony gets larger in late summer and fall.  Bald-faced hornets construct large nests that can support thousands of bald-faced hornets. These pests can build nests in many places, including trees and bushes. They’ll also build nests on building sides.

They have smooth bodies that are white and black. Their other body parts are larger than what you’ll see with other stinging insects.


Honeybees are less aggressive and do not sting regularly. Some people breed honeybees and teach them not to sting. As a result, a lot of people raise honeybees so they can collect the honey they produce. They create intricate nests using wax. Their nests are commonly found on rock faces and wall cavities. They’re round and look like honeycombs. One thing to remember about honeybees is that these pests are going to return to the same nest for multiple years. They have to store honey to ensure that they have plenty of food to survive the cold winter months.

Honeybees are yellow or orange. Their bodies are fuzzy and brown.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are not as aggressive as some of the other stinging insects in our area. They do not build nests. Instead, they tear holes in wood surfaces. The holes they bore in wood surfaces tend to be 3/8ths of an inch. They can build nests in wood siding, decks, and fascia. Once they discard the wood, they’re going to use the hole to care for their offspring. Bumblebees and carpenter bees look alike but there are a few notable differences.

Carpenter bees are hairless and males have small yellow spots on their faces.

Dangers Linked To Vegas’s Stinging Insects

Stinging insects indeed stink people so you cannot ignore the infestation. You have to take steps to get rid of them without exposing yourself to numerous dangers. Nevertheless, you have to remember that the risks involved will depend on the stinging insect you’re dealing with. As you learned above, some stinging insects are more aggressive than others. Once you’ve identified the species, you’ll know how aggressive they are. Yellowjackets usually won’t attack unless you walk too close to their nest. However, some of them build underground nests and they’ll be difficult to avoid. Unfortunately, some stinging insects can sting people multiple times. Be cautious and carefully monitor your health to avoid severe repercussions.

Reasons You Have Stinging Insects

Stinging insects tend to invade properties because they’re looking for places to build nests. If your home has suitable nesting spots, the stinging insects will come to your property.

Eradicating An Infestation Of Stinging Insects

Begin working to take care of your stinging insect infestation as quickly as possible. Do not delay because you’ll regret it. You can hire a professional or try using do-it-yourself methods. Unfortunately, the latter option is not the best since many of these products are inefficient. Working with a professional offers numerous benefits although it’ll cost a little more. For instance, a professional will provide you with safe, reliable results. They’ll tackle the problem while protecting you and your property during each step. If you use DIY methods, there is a risk that the pests are going to try to sting you. They’ll try to defend their nest so they’re going to attack whoever is spraying them.

Wait until the sun goes down because they’ll be less aggressive at this time, but it won’t stop them. To defend yourself and the ones you love, work with a professional.

The Safest Solutions Available

Our company strives to provide the safest solutions available. We’re confident we’ll fix the problem while keeping you safe during each step. First and foremost, we’re going to fix the problem using products approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. We follow precise protocols to guarantee that our clients are protected. We’re confident that our technicians will keep you safe. Contact our office to learn more about the steps we follow to protect you.

The Cost Of Our Services

We’re aware that consumers are worried about the costs involved. Nevertheless, we take steps to ensure that our clients receive affordable services. The cost of our service depends on several factors, including the stinging insect species. We’ll also consider the size of your home and property. The size of the nest and its location matter as well. We’ll give you a bid price before the process begins.

When Can Someone Get Here?

We’re eager to begin helping you overcome this hurdle in your life. When you’re ready to tackle the problem, we’ll be here to help. After your initial call, we’ll make sure someone contacts you within 48 hours.

Avoiding Future Stinging Insect Invasions

Once you’ve eradicated the stinging insects on your property, it is wise to take steps to keep them away. It isn’t possible to eliminate the risks, but you can make it harder for them. Work hard to make your home less attractive to these pests. For instance, you should stain and paint all softwoods. Doing so will prevent some stinging insects from approaching. Don’t forget to sign up for our home service program.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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Stinging Insects